There is no “US” Without You!
Thank you for visiting us here at the online headquarters for THE CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY.
If you find value in the work we are doing to help fight for conservative values here in the Golden State, PLEASE BECOME A MEMBER TODAY!
2020 has started off with a bang.
The impeachment trial has concluded, efforts are underway to repeal the states devastating anti-independent contractor bill, AB 5, and the presidential primary elections are upon us.
Impeachment Trial Is Over. Now What?
Now that the intensely partisan impeachment process is finally over, one would think that congress and the president would be free to get back to the people’s business. Unfortunately, that would be wishful thinking.
Despite coming up empty handed after three years of investigations, Democrats are already vowing to continue impeachment probes. It is clear that they will not stop until President Trump is out of office (which will likely be in 2024.)
Fortunately, our president has already shown that even amidst the constant barrage of attacks by the Democrats, he is able to get things done. For example, as the Senate prepared to vote on the articles of impeachment, he was closing the deal on two major international trade deals and delivered a rousing State of the Union address.
It is important that we keep the president in our prayers and continue to spread the word about how he is winning for us.
Efforts Mounting to Overturn AB 5
Rarely has California witnessed such a massive bipartisan rebuke of a Democratic policy as there has been in regards to AB 5. With hundreds of stories of job cuts and businesses pulling flexible opportunities from California’s workforce because of this new law, protests have erupted among Republicans and Democrats; blacks, whites, and latinos; and business owners from over 150 different industries.
We need lawmakers that will fix California’s serious problems – not politicians who are beholden to the unions and make Californians’ lives harder in order to please their campaign supporters. To that end, the CRA Board of Directors has officially adopted a resolution calling for the repeal of AB 5.
We are encouraging everyone to contact their state legislators and demand that they support measures like AB 1928 (Kiley & Melendez) which completely overturns AB 5. It is important that you join us in this effort to return some sanity to California’s independent contractor law.
2020 Elections Are Underway
Primary season is here. And despite the fact that the GOP nomination is in good hands with President Donald Trump, there is still much for us to accomplish. All 80 seats in the State Assembly, half (20 seats) in the State Senate, and all 53 congressional seats are on the ballot. It is incumbent upon Republicans to see that as many of our candidates as possible make it to the general election in November.
Californians deserve a real choice. We must show up and vote to ensure that our values are represented on the general election ballot in every part of the state. So, please make it a point to not just vote, but encourage every like-minded conservative you know to vote as well.
To help you in this process we have included a list of CRA endorsed candidates for you to support.
Thank you for all of your hard work. Let’s make sure this election season is one for the ages!