Make plans now to attend the California Republican Assembly Annual Convention for 2016 hosted by the Huntington Beach Republican Assembly. Register Online ♦ 2016 Convention Flyer CRA ♦ Sponsorship Opportunities
2014 CRA Scorecard Released!
In 2014, No Member of the State Senate Scored 100%. Mike Morrell and Joel Anderson were both over 90%. Republican Anthony Cannella scored 35%, eclipsing his previous record low of 41%. (Abel Maldonado with 29% several years back is the all-time record holder for the lowest scoring Republican) In Cannella’s defense, his district is 14 […]
2/25/2015 CRA Convention Update
Wednesday 2/25/2015 is the deadline for the special CRA room rate. Call the Hilton Sacramento Arden West @ 800-344-4321 and reserve your room today. Don’t miss out on the $99.00 Single or $109.00 Double CRA Room block rate. The CRA Thanks Chairman Jim Brulte and Vice Chair Harmeet Dhillon for their generous support of the […]
CRA’s 2013 Legislative Scorecard Rates Legislators
Only Three Lawmakers Receive Perfect 100% Scores; Sixty-Five Score Zero One State Senator and two Assembly Members received perfect scores in the latest Legislative Scorecard released by the California Republican Assembly. “We’d like to congratulate Senator Joel Anderson; Assemblymember Tim Donnelly and Assemblymember Beth Gaines for achieving perfect scores this year,” commented CRA President John […]
CRA Convention Takes Shape
The 2014 CRA Convention is shaping up to be one of the best conventions in recent memory. CRA units from every part of California are all in, electing delegates to come join the action. The line up of convention speakers is impressive. Keynoting the major meal events are Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, candidate for Governor; Diane […]
CRA Convention is a Must Attend Event
The 2014 CRA Convention is expected to be the best convention in more than a decade, CRA units from every part of California are all in, electing delegates to come join the action. The #CRA2014 convention is going to be absolutely awesome. We want all CRA members to participate, so we moved the early bird deadline to January […]
A Message From CRA President, John Briscoe
President’s Message It has been a very busy 2 months since the convention. May, we held a retreat for the state wide officers. Goals were set in various areas. Late June, a Board of Directors meeting was held. We had a great turnout of officers at both meetings. And I’m happy to announce that CRA […]