(CALIFORNIA FAMILY COUNCIL) – “I’m not immoral. I’m not a liar… . It’s not condescending,” Senator Connie Leyva said defending herself before a crowd of offended parents gathered in the Senate Education Committee at California’s state capitol earlier this month. Her audience of over 140 were there to advocate for a sex education transparency bill, SB […]
CRA 2020 Endorsements -OPPOSE: Proposition 13
Proposition 13 would authorize $15 billion in state general obligation bonds for the construction and modernization of public education facilities. It would cost taxpayers approximately $740 million per year for the next 35 years. (Proposition 13 on the March 3, 2020 ballot is unrelated to the famous Jarvis-Gann “Prop. 13” initiative from June of 1978 […]
February 2020 Message From The President
2020 has started off with a bang. The impeachment trial has concluded, efforts are underway to repeal the states devastating anti-independent contractor bill, AB 5, and the presidential primary elections are upon us. Impeachment Trial Is Over. Now What? Now that the intensely partisan impeachment process is finally over, one would think that congress and […]
CRATV: Exposing The Lincoln Project – "Jackasses in Elephant Suits"
CRATV S1 E5: Exposing The Lincoln Project – “Jackasses in Elephant Suits” MSM has been giving a lot of facetime to a group of so-called “Republicans” who are calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Tune in as we expose the group’s California connection and reveal their true motives. CRATV is a program of […]
Teachers Union Promotes Property Tax Increase
(CALIFORNIA GLOBE) – Last week what is arguably California’s most powerful political special interest, the California Teachers Association (CTA), or teachers union, held its quarterly State Council of Education meeting at the plush Westin Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. The CTA reported revenues of $209 million on their most recent IRS Form 990 (results through 8/31/2018), and their […]
Democrats Vow Trump Probes to Go On After Impeachment Trial Ends
(BLOOMBERG) – President Donald Trump’s scrutiny by Congress won’t end with his expected acquittal in the Senate. House Democrats have a list of inquiries they plan to pursue when the impeachment saga is over. “The investigations and oversight will continue,” said Representative Carolyn Maloney of New York, head of the Oversight and Reform Committee, the […]
CRATV: Why California's AB 5 Needs to Be Repealed
CRATV S1 E4: Why California’s AB 5 Needs to Be Repealed AB 5, passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom last year, took effect on Jan. 1. It strictly limits who is eligible to work as freelancers or independent contractors, and requires others to be classified as employees. To support the repeal […]
SUPPORT AB 1928: Restore Independent Contracting
AB 5, passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom last year, took effect on Jan. 1. It strictly limits who is eligible to work as freelancers or independent contractors, and requires others to be classified as employees. AB 1928 would largely repeal the strict employee definitions of AB 5, and it seeks […]
When Californians Realize their Supposed Saviors Are the Exploiters, What Then?
(CALIFORNIA GLOBE) – There is a mass delusion afflicting millions of Californians. They endure a cost-of-living nearly twice the national average, high taxes, the highest incidence of poverty, the most hostile business climate, some of the worst K-12 schools, well over a $1.0 trillion in bond and pension debt, unaffordable homes, among the highest prices in the nation for gasoline and electricity, water rationing, and they drive […]
Some big cities in California still struggling under mountain of debt
(OC REGISTER) – First, some good news about the public purse: Irvine continues its streak as the healthiest large city in America when examined through the lens of long-term fiscal health. The debt burden on taxpayers in many other big California cities has lightened over the past year. And no matter how grim things get, […]