Here we are in 2023! Yes, this brand-new year has arrived. My message to you is filled with questions. How will we make this year better than the last? What will we do to improve our personal, family, business, physical and spiritual lives? Did you know that politics affects every aspect of our lives? As […]
California Physicians’ Free Speech Win with AB 2098 Injunction Upheld
(CALIFORNIA GLOBE) – Assembly Bill 2098, California’s medical misinformation law, has suffered its first legal defeat. A judge in California agreed with a request for preliminary injunction to protect five California physicians from the Medical Board of California. AB 2098 empowers the Medical Board of California (MBC) to suspend the medical licenses of any physician whose speech does […]
California lawmakers call for stricter gun control as state mourns 3rd mass killing in 8 days
(ABC 10) – As California lawmakers call for more more restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms CRA Spokesman, Craig DeLuz notes that restricting the rights of law-abiding Californian’s is not the answer.
The Nation Needs Newsom vs. DeSantis in 2024
OPINION (CALIFORNIA GLOBE) – For all the tumult of today, we as a nation are merely dithering around the edges of the most critical question of our times – do we stop or go? Does America go down the path of cultural least resistance and allow our betters to do our thinking for us or […]
New Wealth Tax Introduced in California
(CALIFORNIA GLOBE) – On January 19, a new wealth tax was introduced in the California Legislature. Assembly Constitutional Amendment (ACA) 3 was introduced by Assemblyman Alex Lee (D-Palo Alto), along with co-authors Assembly Members Ash Kalra, Wendy Carrillo, Matt Haney, Corey Jackson, Liz Ortega, and Miguel Santiago, and Senators Maria Elena Durazo, Lena Gonzalez, and […]
The CAGOP: Where We Currently Stand
In the U.S. House of Representatives, we have 12 of 52 possible California seats, that’s 23%. In the State Assembly, we have 18 of 80 possible seats, that’s 22.5%. And in the State Senate, we have 8 of 40 possible seats, that’s 20%. We have zero impact in the Executive Branch and zero impact in the Judicial Branch. On […]
Meet Yvette Corkrean, Candidate for CAGOP Regional Vice-Chair, Bay Area
I am Yvette Corkrean, a lifelong Republican, CRA member and Vice Chair of Volunteers for the San Francisco Republican County Central Committee. I am running for Bay Area Regional Vice Chair. I became a San Francisco Republican County Central Committee member in January 2021. After inspiring many volunteers to collect signatures for the Recall Gavin […]
SF Considers $5 mil Reparations Checks for Black Residents
(OAN) – CRA Spokesman, CraigDeLuz blasts San Francisco (one of the most liberal cities in the US) for considering paying $5 million to each eligible Black person as a result of systemic oppression.
California Republican Party Organizing Convention
“The California Republican Party (CAGOP) Organizing Convention is coming up March 10-12, 2023 in Sacramento, California. The CAGOP meets…to conduct business relative to the governance of the organization. Guests include members and delegates of the statewide political party, elected officials at the state and national level, volunteers, credentialed press/media, vendors and campaign staff. Attendance ranges from 1,000 […]