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(BREITBART) – A pair of teenage girls at a California high school are accusing officials in their athletic department of comparing their “Save Girls’ Sports” t-shirts to “swastikas.”
Kaitlyn and Taylor, who play on teams for Martin Luther King High School in Riverside, California, say they were disrespected by school officials when they wore their “Save Girls’ Sports” shirts in response to a transgender player who rarely attended practice and should not have qualified, but who was still placed on a varsity team, displacing Taylor, Fox News reported.
Now the girls are suing their school.
“My initial reaction was like, I was really surprised, because it was like, why is this happening to me?” Taylor said. “There’s a transgender student on the team. Why am I getting displaced when I’ve worked so hard and gone to all of the practices, and this student has only attended a few of the practices.”
The girls allege in their lawsuit that school officials made them remove their activist shirts and were told they were creating a “hostile environment” at the school. They also say that officials said the shirts were the same as wearing a swastika.
“It was definitely hard to hear because we’re by no means trying to be hateful,” Kaitlyn said. “We’re just wearing a shirt that expresses what we believe in, trying to raise awareness to a situation.”
The girls and their lawyer also point out that the trans student has been allowed to wear “trans pride” items and there is an LGBTQ pride flag in a classroom.
“The biological male transgender athlete who displaced T.S. on the girls’ varsity team had recently transferred from another local high school after breaking that school’s all-time cross-country record for the girls’ cross-country team,” the girls’ lawsuit reads.
“T.S., who had held a position on the girls’ Varsity Top 7 since August 2024, was removed from the girls’ Varsity Top 7 to make room on the girls’ Varsity Top 7 for an eleventh-grade transgender student and T.S. was relegated to the junior varsity team for one of the most important meets of the season for college recruitment,” the complaint added.