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(CRA) – The California Republican Assembly (CRA) Board of Directors voted on additional endorsements for the upcoming California Republican Party (CAGOP) Organizing Convention.
CRA endorsed both the “One Person, One Vote” and “Proxy Votes are Not for Sale” CAGOP bylaw amendments authored by Tom Hudson, as well as a CAGOP resolution calling for legislation banning pension investment in China authored by George Yang, former candidate for California Superintendent of Public Instruction.
CRA also voted to add David Dhillon, candidate for CAGOP Secretary, to their list of previously endorsed candidates for state party office. CRA’s endorsements include the following:
State Chair – Mike Cargile
State Vice Chair – Mark Wright
Secretary – David Dhillon
North Region Vice Chair – Laurie Wallace
Central Valley Region Vice Chair – Craig DeLuz
Bay Area Region Vice Chair – Yvette Corkrean
Republican County Chairmen’s Association Endorsements
First Vice Chair – Johanna Lassaga