There is no “US” Without You!
Thank you for visiting us here at the online headquarters for THE CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY.
If you find value in the work we are doing to help fight for conservative values here in the Golden State, PLEASE BECOME A MEMBER TODAY!
In the U.S. House of Representatives, we have 12 of 52 possible California seats, that’s 23%. In the State Assembly, we have 18 of 80 possible seats, that’s 22.5%. And in the State Senate, we have 8 of 40 possible seats, that’s 20%.
We have zero impact in the Executive Branch and zero impact in the Judicial Branch. On the whole, the California Republican Party is irrelevant to how this state is governed. Any coach, at any level, with that track record would have been fired immediately! But people say, “Mike, we can’t change horses mid-stream, we have a Presidential election coming up!” Okay, so let’s have a look.
The same leadership we have in place now, the same leadership that wants us to re-elect them, is also the exact same leadership we had in place in the LAST presidential election. Nothing has changed in the election processes, same machines, same mail in ballots, same ballot harvesting. Therefore, we can know, with some certainty, how they perform in a Presidential cycle.
In 2020, they lost the House of Representatives to Nancy Pelosi by almost the same margin we just regained it. We lost the Executive Branch and now have Joe Biden occupying the White House. They then went on to lose a Special recall election to remove Gavin Newsom, and then in the mid-terms, they turned a red wave into a pink trickle! Three strikes and you’re out folks! But the bar for our party has been lowered so much that “well, on the whole we didn’t lose any seats” is now considered a success! That’s insulting to our legacy! We are the Party that gave the world Ronald Reagan and we’re about to hand them Gavin Newsom!
This should not be so! We can do better!
We MUST do better! For the sakes of our families, our future, our state and our Nation we must have new leadership and you are the key… vote as if your life depends on it, because it does.