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Bill: California SB 866
Author: Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco)
Position: Opposed
Status 8/31/22: Ordered to Inactive file
Summary: Removes Right of Parents to Make Important Medical Decisions Regarding Vaccinations for Their Children
This legislative body is relentless in their pursuit to strip away parental rights as they also fast-track SB 866, a bill that will give minors as young as 15 years-old the ability to consent to any FDA approved vaccination WITHOUT parental consent.
This bill not only strips parents of their right to make important decisions regarding their child’s health, but it also places minors in a potentially dangerous situation. If a minor were to have an immediate adverse reaction to a vaccine, the parent would not know.
Use the take action form below NOW to send a message to Scott Wiener and his pals in the California Legislature letting them know that parents MUST be allowed to be the decision makers when it comes to the health of their children.
Please use CRA’s Take Action form below and TAKE ACTION NOW.