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Bill: California SB 906
Author: Sen. Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada Flintridge)
Position: Opposed
Status 7/21/22: Signed by The Governor
Summary: Requires parents of school students to report any firearms in their homes.
SB 906 provides language that could protect local educational agencies and schools if
gun owner information is negligently handled or willfully abused. SB 906 provides
that “local educational agency and school is immune from civil liability for any
damages allegedly caused by, arising out of, or relating to” the administration of the
SB 906 gun ownership data collection scheme.
Moreover, SB 906 encourages school officials to take action against student who may
display an interest in firearm and martial materials. School officials are prompted to
create a report of a “threat or perceived threat” which is then sent law enforcement
and the California Department of Justice.
The legislation defines “threat or perceived threat” as content that is “homicidal in nature” which may include, depictions of firearms, ammunition, shootings, or targets in association with infliction of physical harm, destruction, or death. The content may be from a social media post, journal, class note, or other media associated with the pupil.
This would appear to implicate a broad set of content that a student may engage with
at or outside of school. Such content could include popular periodicals like the
American Rifleman or Guns & Ammo, as they discuss lawful self-defense involving
firearms. Content involving current military actions or military history could also be
Use the take action form below NOW to send a message to Anthony Portantino and his pals in the California Legislature letting them know that they cannot treat students as violent threats simply because they show an interest in the Second Amendment.
Please use CRA’s Take Action form below and TAKE ACTION NOW.