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Bill: California SB 1390
Author: Sen. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento)
Position: Opposed
Status 4/25/22: Hearing Canceled by Author
Summary: Social Media Monitoring, with Penalties for “Misinformation”.
S.B. 1390 will place social media platforms under strict government surveillance, imposing penalties and civil action for allowing the spread of harmful content, including ‘misinformation.’
Social media platforms will be forced to track each complaint in a database that is shared with the Attorney General. The term ‘misinformation’ includes, but is not limited to “medicine or vaccinations, false or misleading information regarding elections, and conspiracy theories.”
The broad definition of harmful content will allow the government to stop the spread of messaging it dislikes and control what the public says and hears in the digital public square.
S.B. 1390 is a direct threat to free speech.