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Bill: California SB 871

Author: Sen. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento)

Position: Opposed

Status 4/14/22: Withdrawn from Consideration by Author

Summary: Requires parents of school students to report any firearms in their homes.

This fast-tracked bill will require your children to receive a COVID-19 shot to enroll in school. Not only does this bill violate the right of a parent to choose which medical products are injected into the bodies of their children, it also shockingly eliminates your ability to request a personal exemption. In other words, your personal beliefs are meaningless in the eyes of the California legislature.

With this bill, Senators Pan, Newman, and Wiener are eliminating all safeguards against tyrannical vaccine mandates.

Use the take action form below NOW to send a message to Richard Pan and his pals in the California Legislature letting them know that parents, not the state are the primary caregivers of these students and have the fundamental right and responsibility to make these important medical decisions.

Please use CRA’s Take Action form below and TAKE ACTION NOW.

OPPOSE SB 871 – Forced Vaccinations for School Enrollment

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