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OPINION (CALIFORNIA GLOBE) – The German national socialists had a policy called Sippenhaft, which they used to punish the relatives of people who’d done something the government of national socialist Germany disapproved of.

The idea being to instill fear – and guilt – in everyone. If you did something, your wife and children would pay for it.

Heinrich Himmler, the head of the notorious SS that was the main enforcement arm of national socialist policies, explained: “This man has committed treason; his blood is bad; there is traitor’s blood in him; that must be wiped out. And in the blood feud the entire clan was wiped out down to the last member. And so, too, will the enemies of national socialist Germany be wiped out down to the last member.”

The socialist governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is in favor of enacting a similar policy that involves a payout of $569 billion – one that goes even farther than punishing merely the relatives of people who affronted the government.

Newsom wants to make anyone who happens to be white “help” pay out about a quarter-million dollars each in reparations to anyone who happens to be black – even if the white person’s ancestors had nothing to do with what was done to the ancestors of those black people.

What about Asians and Hispanics in California? Are they white adjacent? Time for them to pay up too for zero reason whatsoever?

“We are looking at reparations on a scale that is the largest since Reconstruction,” says Jovan Scott Lewis, a professor of African Diaspora Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.

According to an article in the New York Post, the payment of these reparations will “shrink the wealth gap between white and black Californians.”

Which of course it would, just the same as robbing Peter to pay Paul increases the net worth of Paul. But it also decreases the net worth of Peter. Wouldn’t that oblige Paul’s descendants to pay reparations to Peter’s descendants, to make them whole? This of course is madness.